
Stab me in the heart already.

Just got off the phone with a customer service individual dicussing some banking/financial matters and he asked for my gross income. When I told him what my estimated annual salary is, he asked, "Okay. And that's _________ dollars per month, correct?" To which I guffawed loudly and said, "No no no. That's per year."

Repeat to self: I love music. I love music. I love music... blaaaargh.


UPDATED TO ADD: I stopped by the store after teaching lessons today (one of my middle school students: "Did you bring a whole box of Kleenex?") and picked up some promising-looking Vick's nasal decongestant spray that was on sale and that I was very much looking forward to using the instant I got home... only to find that the cashier didn't put it in the bag after I paid for it. ARRRRRR!!! Hulk SMASH!

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