
You likey the new blog design?

All this talk of Krees-maahs has gotten me in the seasonal redesign mood. I think the final result is quite fetching *pats self on back*. Anytime I decide to try and do a redesign, I freak the hell out because there is inevitably some html code stuff I have to tinker with and I constantly have this fear that I am only one errant code cut and paste action away from making the whole thing explode. But all is well.

The color scheme is not at all what I had envisioned originally, but this one is actually much more sophisticated and subtle. I think my original plan was to have a much heavier (jarring, in retrospect) pine green and fire engine red color combo. And as you can (hopefully) see, I have totally jumped on the snowfall effect bandwagon. I am sure that in couple days, the novelty will wear off and it will just become incredibly annoying, but as of right now, I am in love with it.

Oh, one last thing about the color scheme. See the beautiful cranberry red color of the "WHATEVS" in the banner? Now take a look at the red in the left sidebar where it says "Followers (15)." Don't they look like 2 completely different colors? Well, they're not. Totally the same. But the white, sky blue and slate colors in the banner picture totally bring out the deep cranberry color, whilst the soft sage color of the overall background make the red in the sidebar look more cherry. It's driving me booonkers. Welcome to the madness inside my head.

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