Okay, I got more than that. Primarily:
1. Good memories.
2. Questionable memories.
3. A Cozumel Star*ucks mug to add to my collection.
4. Five blissful days out of Texass.
5. Tons of pictures!
Unfortunately, uploading and captioning and formatting pictures correctly on Blogger is a beetch to do. So, for now, here are our Spring Break pictures in semi-chronological order. I'll attempt to add some words to the pictures someday soon when I can figure out exactly how the hell to add text to these pics and have them actually show up underneath the effing picture instead of next to it.
Also, it is snowing in Dallas today. Blurgh!
*** UPDATE: Okay, I am attempting to add some text in here little by little but the effing formatting is driving me bonkers. This is going to be slow-going... ***
The view of Port Galveston as we stood (at the end) of a very long line waiting to board the ship. I had to pee. The public restroom available was terrifying. Let us not speak of this any further.
Our boat, the Carnival Ecstassssy. Is it just me, or does this name imply a voyage not suitable for people under the age of 18? ...It's not just me, sicko. Admit it.
Water! Yay!
W?! T?! F?! What in the hell happened to the rest of my pictures??!! Effing Blogger!! They were all here earlier today and now they've disappeared. Blaaargh! Ugh, I'm starting over again. Tomorrow. Maybe.
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