
Sawyer is still my Number One, but seriously after last night's episode, Ricardus Seximus is officially my secret Latin Lovah.

Also, I think I may have solved the mystery of the effing Goddamn text-wrapping Blogger photos. And it really was so embarassingly easy that I hate myself for having to consult Google to figure it out. Case in point:

Yeesh. Anyway, the point of this is to say that I think I can finally commence with the vacation photos. Maybe on Friday when I have time to sit down with a heavenly Star*ucks Grande Soy Dark Cherry Mocha (thank you - I think? - to Sarah L. for turning me onto this new crack-laced devilish delight) and blog to my wee little heart's content.

But seriously. LOST last night. OMG. So epic.

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