
Pardon me as I act like a total girl for a second.

Kablooie is officially gone (SAD) and on his merry way to his new life in Mexico this week. More on that later (maybe). My new used car is a fabulous Toyota Corolla with a zillion miles on it, but which will still run (fingers crossed) for another zillion and one miles. Her name is Winnie. More on that later (maybe). But in the meantime, I am spending today cleaning and packing because we are on Spring Break (WOOTY WOOTY WOOT WOOT WOOOOOT) and Schmoobliebunbuns was awesomely stupendous enough to have gotten us tickets to a cruise to Cozumel and we leave tomorrow! I just finished had a heart attack recovered from trying on my bikinis to try and figure out which ones to pack and SERIOUSLY WHERE DID THOSE SQUISHY ROLLS COME FROM?!?! AAAAUGH. AND WHY IS THAT THING DOWN THERE INSTEAD OF UP THERE AND WHY THE HELL IS IT SO SQUOOSHY??? WAAAAAH.

What happened? I mean, when I was sixteen, I could eat two hamburgers, a slice of pizza, a slice of chocolate cake and an Oreo milkshake without so much as gaining .08 ounces. And now that I'm a blink of an eye away from thirty, I can't even spend a week methodically noshing my way through an entire twelve-slice assortment of forbidden cheesecake without ... Oh. I see what I did there. Narf.

I wonder if I can squeeze in one trillion crunches and lunges between now and tomorrow morning...

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