Hello. Today I went to 4 different car dealerships looking for a used car with which to pay cash which were all happily advertised online, only to be told in person that those cars have been sold...BUT that they'd be happy to sell me something more expensive and finance the remaining balance. Of course. And then I came home to look for cars being sold by their owners on Craigslist only to find that my laptop monitor isn't turning on anymore. So I've spent the last 3 hours looking up and researching and Carfaxing a bajillion used cars using naught but my trusty iPhone. Oh, also I am eating everything in sight, am insanely fatigued, and have a dull backache, which means I'll be getting my Monthly Confirmation tomorrow. AND there's no more Olympics fir two whole years. HAPPY MONDAY *grumble grumble grumble*
But in less b*tchtastic news: How awesome is my younger (ugh) brother for loaning me the cash to pay for Kablooie's replacement? SUPER awesome, that's how much. And also my older bro Tardo (not his real name) for helping me look for good car listings on teh intarwebs. Wheeeee!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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