Speaking of IHOP, while there Schmoobs asked me if I had perchance seen the most recent Facebook status from one of our least-favorite students at the university. This person was in my Music Lit class my very first semester (one of this foursome of idiocy, actually) and failed, then re-took the same Music Lit class the following semester from Schmoobs...and got a C. Anyway, here is the status update:
Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. Oh man, this drives me craaazy. If only it were not inappropriate for me, as a faculty member, to comment on this dum dum's Facebook and completely annihilate him, I would. But I'm not supposed to. Bleh.
1. You put four more years of George Bush on your "ballet"? Hahahahahahahaah! Did you shove him in a pair of tights and make him twirl around on stage like a pretty pretty princess? Now that I would pay to see.
2. "...that average joe blow off the street gets the same benefits as me that I work my ass off to make sure that I have good health care to cover my ass..." Really? Because I know for a fact that this job at which you speak of working "your ass off" doesn't exist because you don't actually work. Your "job" right now is being a full-time college student and you don't even "work your ass off" at that because you are one of the laziest, most mediocre students I have ever had. And when you are not working "your ass off" to barely get Cs in all of your classes, you are busy updating "your ass off" of your Facebook informing us that you are watching "your ass off" of UFC fights at Buffalo Wild Wings and playing "your ass off" of your XBox instead of studying and doing your homework. So please spare us all and get off of your incredibly ignorant, immature, uninformed, delusional judgmental high horse and come talk to me after you have earned at least one college degree and have spent one day as a professional music educator, working nonstop and earning just enough to barely pay your bills every month. And lest you think that I am only saying these things because I feel entitled to any government-funded handouts, let me remind you that my thoughts come from the compassion and realization that, while I am actually working my ass off teaching five university courses and teaching private clarinet lessons on the side for the whopping grand sum of roughly $8,000 for half a year, there are plenty of others who don't have it nearly as good as I do and I am okay with giving a portion of that away in taxes to help fund programs that will assist those people. (Plus, anyway, my handouts come from my parents and computer-genius brothers...)
3. Let us not even speak of your horrendous grammar.
Anyway, I brought this up because Schmoobs and I were heatedly discussing the pure idiocy of this particular student and the frustration of the sheer ignorance of his statements while seated next to a grizzled old conservative Southern redneck. I couldn't see him, but apparently he was looking quite irritated at our discussion, according to Schmoobs. Heh. Whatevs. I ain't scurred o' you! I'm small and lithe and can easily run away before you can get to your truck and grab your shotgun. Hahaha.
But luckily, there are a few people (some, other students!) that do represent some kind of hope for the future of this society:
Because a family with two kids where the father has been laid off can totally make ends meet if the mother just gets off of her lazy ass and picks up an application at Taco Bell, right, Eric? And any vagrant off the streets can instantly land a job guaranteed if only they would just take the one easy step of going inside any fast food restaurant and merely filling out an application, right, Eric? It's way easy! You're right, if a person loses their home and can no longer support themselves, it's only because they haven't done anything about it. And now they have to depend on your UFC-watching, barbecue wing-eating, uninformed and entitled-griping unemployed ass to pay for their healthcare. Anyway... *high fives Mark and Kraig*
Also: Today was our first day of vacation and I was up, showered and ready to go to the vet at 7:30 this morning with no problems. What has this semester done to me???
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