
Things I need to write about (but won't until later because I'm tired busy lazy.

1. Schmoobles' mother's surprise-ish visit this weekend. Wholly not as tense and awkward as anticipated. Ya.

2. My one-man road war with an angry old man (probably a tree-hating* conservative) in a pickup truck last week.

3. The fifty-year old Texas millionaire gambler who owns four boats and got divorced two years ago with self-esteem and possessiveness issues who got into a fight over his girlfriend with another fifty-year old at a bar with Schmoobs and I sitting right between them.

Also, I have already taught two classes this morning (with one more to go, and then some clarimanet lessons this afternoon) and my greatest accomplishment thus far is FINALLYFINALLYFINALLY getting three stars on Level 1-21 of Angry Birds on my iPhone! Boo yah!

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