
A short one about my bowels.

Yesterday, I got home in the early afternoon after a scheduled woodwind quintet rehearsal was cancelled due to the flutist's sinus infection. About 4pm, I got sudden intestinal distress. No warning. Was it the goat cheese I had with our veggie sandwich dinners the night before? The caramel frappuccino the previous day (I asked for soy!!)? The roasted poblano and white cheddar cheese soup I had with lunch? Whatever the hell it was, I found myself whining in self-pity while sitting on the porcelain throne, leaning pathetically over on the refreshingly cold marble counter while droplets of sweat trickled down my neck. I felt like my body was turning itself inside out. Thank Jeebus Schmoobs was still at work. That was no time for me to try to be subtle.

Anyway, after about three hours of that scene, interspersed with long stretches on the bed curled up in the fetal position, I finally felt better enough to walk around and be normal again. But it wasn't until lunchtime today that I felt brave enough to get something to eat. And damn it, the only two things my taste buds were craving was greasy Chinese or Mexican food. *shudder* Okay, I went with the Chinese. Three hours later, so far, so good. I think I'm in the clear. I also really want a big old iced coffee right now. Would that be smart?

(Of course not. But I'm going to do it anyway.)

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