Getting a letter from University of Hawaii telling you that (upon acceptance of their admission into the Masters program, which I have no plan on doing) you will need to take diagnostic tests in Music Theory and History...when you freaking teach both subjects to college music majors.
Also, my new favorite thing is roasting vegetables. And then eating them. Simple olive oil, salt and pepper is all that is necessary, but sometimes I'll throw in some other things from the pantry based on my mood. Garlic powder, dried basil, cayenne pepper, etc. Last night I roasted some red onion, eggplant, red pepper and mushrooms in the oven for about 30 minutes (until things got all hottt and caramelized), then I grilled up some wheat flatbread, smeared a healthy dollop of goat cheese on both sides, followed by the roasted veggies, and topped with some mixed baby greens. It was, yes, both delicious and nutritious and earned Schmoobliebuns' hearty seal of approval.
Over Spring Break - when I was in the middle of The Great Neverending Pre-menses of 2011 - I went a little wild and crazy with a bowl of chocolate miniatures* (amongst a host of other tasty treats) and gained three pounds. But then I ate this sandwich last night and lost two. I'm totally serious. However, my taking of Acidophilus supplements and its causing my bowels to work very efficiently may have had something to do with it.
* True story: Schmoobs and I went out one afternoon to run a quick errand and then grab dinner - and I brought the bowl of chocolate with me. We were about two blocks down the road before Schmooblies looked over and noticed the chocolate. He attempted to give me a hard time, but then I told him that the choice was between having a content girlfriend that brings a bowl of chocolate during the ten-minute drive to dinner, or an angry girlfriend who yells at you for no reason except that she is hormonal. That swiftly shut him up. Hahaha.
Also, my new favorite thing is roasting vegetables. And then eating them. Simple olive oil, salt and pepper is all that is necessary, but sometimes I'll throw in some other things from the pantry based on my mood. Garlic powder, dried basil, cayenne pepper, etc. Last night I roasted some red onion, eggplant, red pepper and mushrooms in the oven for about 30 minutes (until things got all hottt and caramelized), then I grilled up some wheat flatbread, smeared a healthy dollop of goat cheese on both sides, followed by the roasted veggies, and topped with some mixed baby greens. It was, yes, both delicious and nutritious and earned Schmoobliebuns' hearty seal of approval.
Over Spring Break - when I was in the middle of The Great Neverending Pre-menses of 2011 - I went a little wild and crazy with a bowl of chocolate miniatures* (amongst a host of other tasty treats) and gained three pounds. But then I ate this sandwich last night and lost two. I'm totally serious. However, my taking of Acidophilus supplements and its causing my bowels to work very efficiently may have had something to do with it.
* True story: Schmoobs and I went out one afternoon to run a quick errand and then grab dinner - and I brought the bowl of chocolate with me. We were about two blocks down the road before Schmooblies looked over and noticed the chocolate. He attempted to give me a hard time, but then I told him that the choice was between having a content girlfriend that brings a bowl of chocolate during the ten-minute drive to dinner, or an angry girlfriend who yells at you for no reason except that she is hormonal. That swiftly shut him up. Hahaha.
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