
Of sick puppies and cat pee.

BB was sick for a couple of days this past week. I was a very worried momma. It is so unusual for the wee little one to have anything less than a psychotic amount of energy and pure effervescent joy, that when I came home from work on Monday and she chose to stay in her puppy bed instead of greet me excitedly at the door with a toy in her mouth and spinning in circles (literally), I thought it was weird. I just amounted it to the cold front that had come in and BB being unwilling to leave her warm and cozy cushion. But when it was five hours later and she still hadn't gotten up, I knew something was wrong. I picked her up so I could lay her on the couch next to me and she just started whimpering.

Sad panda.

So Schmoobs and I spent the next two days - when we weren't at work - cuddling with her and begging her to at least drink a little bit of water. On day two, she tried to go poopy doopies on her puppy pad, but was having such difficulty that she actually did the arched back, teetering walk the entire length of our condo, all the way from our front door to the bedroom. I actually had to wrap my hand in paper towels and help her pull a turd out of her ass. I can now say that I've done that twice this year. And then she shook herself and another turd fell out of her butt. (We will be getting her groomed this weekend.)

On the morning of day three, I was finally able to get her to eat a little bit of wet food (by warming it up in the microwave first...thank you Google). And then later that evening, she showed signs of the old BB by bouncing up from the spot on the couch where she had been sleeping all day and greeting Schmoobs at the door when he got home from work. And now she is well on her way to full recovery! In fact, I think she is making up for lost bonding time with her toys, as this is what I woke up to this morning:

 Play time.

Play time?? 

Play. Time.

In President of the Finer Things Club news: Schmoobs has this habit of letting his laundry pile up in gigantic mountainous piles in the bedroom. After about a week, I lose any interest in trying to remember if they are clean or dirty, and I just start piling them all into one gigantic mound. And then Bela expresses his disgust at having to dwell in such a filthy habitat (I'm with you, Bela) that he will on rare occasion pee all over Schmoobs' clothes pile. 

Last night, Schmoobs got home from work after a particularly long day and was sitting on the couch. I told him about an unexpectedly hilarious viral video that had been going around so he brought it up on his beloved Macbook Pro to watch. I went over to his end of the couch and sat next to him so I could watch it again. And then I noticed that something smelled like piss. I thought to myself, "Hm. That's weird. I guess it's time to clean out Bela's box again." 

About half an hour later, Schmooblins got face down on the floor and asked me to massage his sore back a little bit. As I got down to massage his back, I noticed the pee smell again. And then this happened:

Ys: "It smells like pee."

Schmoobs: "Hm. Maybe one of them peed on the carpet."

Ys: "Nooo...I would have noticed a pee spot on the floor..."

Schmoobs: "Yeah, I smell it too actually."

*Continues to massage for a few seconds*

*Bends down and sniffs Schmooblebuns*

Schmoobs: "Did you just smell me??"

Ys: "Well..."


Ys: "Yes, because I first noticed it when I went to sit next to you on the couch earlier!"

Schmoobs: "I can't believe you think I'm the one that sme--- OH MY GOD."

Ys: "What?"

Schmoobs: "...I think Bela peed on my shirt."

Ys: (laughing hysterically) "Oh no! Is that the shirt you wore to work today?"

Schmoobs: "ALL DAY."

*still laughing*

Schmoobs: "I WORE PEE ALL DAY."

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