

You know it's been some kind of Monday morning when you greet a student after your 10am class with "Have a good weekend." Yikes. So that's how this week is going to be. But at least after this week is ...Spring Breeeaaaak!!!

Also, I woke up at 2:12am this morning with the thought that I had neglected to top my (leaky) oil tank off with a couple pints of oil this weekend and would have to wake up 10 minutes early than the already regular Butt Crack of Dawn O'clock in order to take care of that before the commute to work.

But at least I got to yammer on about Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven in Music Lit today. And I got to say the words "fart jokes" and "piss" in the lecture. So that was fun. Time for lonch now.

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