
It's probably in German.

I think I've mentioned this before, but it's worth revisiting.

You know, there really needs to be a word for that thing where you sit on the toilet for so long playing Kingdom Rush on your iPhone (MUST GET THREE STARS) that, by the time you get up, the entire bottom half of your body has gone completely numb and when you try to stand up finally, you have to lunge for the toilet paper dispenser in front of you in a panic before you collapse backwards from lack of motor control and then by the time you waddle back to your desk down the hall thirty seconds later, everything from your knees down is tingling like there are fireworks shooting out of your toes and you have to brace yourself on the back of the chair while standing perfectly still while you struggle to choke back your sudden ill-timed coughing because even that will result in indescribably ticklish skin prickles that you start laughing at yourself like a crazy idiot by yourself in your house and your legs collaps from underneath you and you almost bonk your head on your work desk.

Don't you think?

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