
Two posts in one day.

I am just going to go ahead and count the fact that I stopped myself at 1/2 cup of deliciously creamy Trader Joe's mint chip ice cream and roughly 1 handful of kettle chips when I very easily could have gone hog wild on both those things a victory.

I almost posted this on Facebook, but then I was like, "You know what? Some 30-something female acquaintance of mine from high school with twenty kids is going to comment and be all, 'Pregnant?'" Hyuk hyuk hyuk.

And then I'm going to have to be all TMI instead of snarky and be like, "No. The thing that happens when you specifically don't get pregnant."

And then I'm going to regret it because I didn't block it from people like former students and colleagues.

So I wrote it on my blog instead.

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