Greetings! For today's post, I figured I'd do a #tbt Throwback Thursday, just for kicks. Especially since I didn't even post any Thanksgiving pictures on any of my other social media (like, whoa). And how the hell am I supposed to get my daily prescribed dose of social affirmation if I don't post every single aspect of my mundane existence for friends and family and acquaintances to see?
In any case, one week ago was Thanksgiving. As has been our tradition for many years, the husband, Professor Schmoobles, and I stay in town--can we talk about how expensive air travel is now UGH--and invite any similarly-positioned friends, colleagues, and students over for a casual binge-fest. Typically, I will take care of cooking the mains and a handful of sides, and guests will bring some extra goodies. The only thing that I always insist on making (no matter the energy and motivation level) is lumpia. It helps me feel connected to my family's Thanksgivings back in California, despite the fact that we now live on the opposite side of the country. I've gotten so good at making lumpia IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF that I don't even need to consult my mom's (i.e. The Best) recipe anymore.
As for the turkey, we decided to do the deep fry thing this year. Our friends live near us and have a deep fryer, so they offered to let Schmooblins come over in the morning and fry the sucker. How could we say no? When in the South, do as the Southerners do, as they say. It came out super crispy and not at all dry on the inside. Unfortunately, we ruined the optimum deliciousness possibility by scheduling our actual get together later in the afternoon, so our poor fried turkey had to sit on our counter (and then gently reheated in the oven) for hours before we sliced in, and by that point, I think it had lost some its pizzazz. *sad trombone* I'm thinking that next year, I may completely do away with all the traditional Thanksgiving fare (Except for the lumpia. DO NOT MESS WITH THE LUMPIA.) and just cook dishes that I want to cook. Maybe some more international stuff. Some stews. Or whatever.
Anyway, so we had Schmooblins' new TA and his wife, another TA, a fellow grad school friend, and an undergraduate student from China come over. I think maybe the undergrad was a little underwhelmed. When Schmoobs was driving him back after dinner, he apparently said that he doesn't quite "get" Thanksgiving (understandable) because they don't celebrate it in China...but that they do celebrate Black Friday. HA. Go figure.
In other news: I passed by our School of Music Director today and wished him a "Happy Birthday! ...according to Facebook!" and he then told me that he thought I was the funniest person on Facebook and that he always wants to "like" all my posts, but that he can't "for obvious reasons." Haha. To which I replied, "Oh, I know. Professionalism and all that. Maybe someday I'll learn that lesson, too." If someone can just explain to me how I might go about earning a salary just from posting idiotic and vaguely inappropriate Facebook posts, that would be great. Please and thank you in advance.
And finally, Dissertation Progress Update: Today I have managed to finally FINALLY finish reading an articlethat I have been chipping away at at which I have been chipping away for like two weeks. Here's the problem with being an un-funded ABD doctoral student with bills (INCLUDING TUITION UGH) to pay and cute lip glosses to buy: you have to fit in all of your dissertation work schedule around a real life work schedule. In my case, this means reading a couple pages here, a few paragraphs there, and gradually adding data to my Excel spreadsheet (yea boi research organization) and slowly but surely (emphasis on slowly) adding to the word count of my dissertation document. Anyway, so, yeah, article read. Two new articles found to read. Two books requested through Interlibrary Loan. And three other books requested from our campus main library. Looks like I'll have a good reading list to keep at my work desk for the next few weeks.
In any case, one week ago was Thanksgiving. As has been our tradition for many years, the husband, Professor Schmoobles, and I stay in town--can we talk about how expensive air travel is now UGH--and invite any similarly-positioned friends, colleagues, and students over for a casual binge-fest. Typically, I will take care of cooking the mains and a handful of sides, and guests will bring some extra goodies. The only thing that I always insist on making (no matter the energy and motivation level) is lumpia. It helps me feel connected to my family's Thanksgivings back in California, despite the fact that we now live on the opposite side of the country. I've gotten so good at making lumpia IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF that I don't even need to consult my mom's (i.e. The Best) recipe anymore.
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Fry day, fry day. Gotta get down on fry day. |
As for the turkey, we decided to do the deep fry thing this year. Our friends live near us and have a deep fryer, so they offered to let Schmooblins come over in the morning and fry the sucker. How could we say no? When in the South, do as the Southerners do, as they say. It came out super crispy and not at all dry on the inside. Unfortunately, we ruined the optimum deliciousness possibility by scheduling our actual get together later in the afternoon, so our poor fried turkey had to sit on our counter (and then gently reheated in the oven) for hours before we sliced in, and by that point, I think it had lost some its pizzazz. *sad trombone* I'm thinking that next year, I may completely do away with all the traditional Thanksgiving fare (Except for the lumpia. DO NOT MESS WITH THE LUMPIA.) and just cook dishes that I want to cook. Maybe some more international stuff. Some stews. Or whatever.
Anyway, so we had Schmooblins' new TA and his wife, another TA, a fellow grad school friend, and an undergraduate student from China come over. I think maybe the undergrad was a little underwhelmed. When Schmoobs was driving him back after dinner, he apparently said that he doesn't quite "get" Thanksgiving (understandable) because they don't celebrate it in China...but that they do celebrate Black Friday. HA. Go figure.
In other news: I passed by our School of Music Director today and wished him a "Happy Birthday! ...according to Facebook!" and he then told me that he thought I was the funniest person on Facebook and that he always wants to "like" all my posts, but that he can't "for obvious reasons." Haha. To which I replied, "Oh, I know. Professionalism and all that. Maybe someday I'll learn that lesson, too." If someone can just explain to me how I might go about earning a salary just from posting idiotic and vaguely inappropriate Facebook posts, that would be great. Please and thank you in advance.
And finally, Dissertation Progress Update: Today I have managed to finally FINALLY finish reading an article
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