6:30am: Alarm 1. I dreamt last night that I went to use one of the public little disgruntled musicology grad student's rooms in the Fine Arts Building and not only was the toilet water red (but not like ladytime blood, more like...Kool Aid? I don't know. Dreams are weird, mkay?) but that I was in there BAREFOOT. What in high holy hell? Good thing I eventually woke up. Anyway. Snooze.
7:00am: Alarm 2. Nope. Not ready yet. Snooze.
7:14am: Paranoia kicks in. Check my phone clock. Phew. I still have a few minutes before I realllly have to start getting ready. Check email. Check Facebook. Back to sleep.
7:20am: Okay. Phew, still a few minutes more. Check email. Check Facebook.
7:30am: Alarm 3. UGH. Get up. Turn on space heater in bathroom. Put on eyeballs (contact lenses). Turn on podcast. Brush teeth. Get in shower. Get out of shower. Choose work outfit. This is how my usual process of figuring out what to wear goes:
8:26am: Get to campus. Look for parking in lot closest to Office Job 2. Nope.
8:28am: Look for parking in lot number 2. Nope.
8:29am: Look for parking in lot number 3. Nope.
8:30am: Look for parking in lot number 4. Success.
8:33am: Get to Office Job 2. Only three minutes late. Bossman is already here. Meh. No big whoop!
8:46am: Time for a coffee break. That's how we roll. Go next door to the student center and find myself awkwardly walking in with and standing in line directly behind two members of the woodwind faculty. Awkward because one of them has had a habit of berating me for replacing my clarinets for musicology books. He once introduced me to somebody this way: "This is Acadaemia Nut. She used to be a musician." UGH. Tool. But at least we managed to engage in polite pleasantries and slight conversation without me having to bust out my evil side-eye. He did grimace a little when I told him what my research subject was, though. Ha ha. Sorry I'm not writing a three hundred page dissertation on CLARINET REEDS.
10:00am: So far I have started thisblog blahg post, finished my morning coffee (soy flat white because I'm fancy), updated my Facebook status, and...that's about it. The end of the semester seems to be an exceptionally slow time here at Office Job 2. I guess that means I will I should have plenty of dissertation work time today.
7:00am: Alarm 2. Nope. Not ready yet. Snooze.
7:14am: Paranoia kicks in. Check my phone clock. Phew. I still have a few minutes before I realllly have to start getting ready. Check email. Check Facebook. Back to sleep.
7:20am: Okay. Phew, still a few minutes more. Check email. Check Facebook.
7:30am: Alarm 3. UGH. Get up. Turn on space heater in bathroom. Put on eyeballs (contact lenses). Turn on podcast. Brush teeth. Get in shower. Get out of shower. Choose work outfit. This is how my usual process of figuring out what to wear goes:
- Ooh, I like this blue sweater. I'll wear this today.
- Ooh, I like these long, fuzzy, gray, thigh length socks. I'll wear those today. That way I don't have to wear tights or long johns to stay warm.
- Oh, but then that means I can't wear sandals or open toed shoes. Don't I have a pair of brown boots that have heels?
- Huh. I don't have a pair of brown boots that have heels. Okay, I guess I'll just wear these brown heeled loafers then.
- So then I have to wear a pair of brown slacks that are long enough to cover my fuzzy gray socks. These? No, too short.
- These? No, too short.
- These? I guess they'll do. I haven't worn these slacks in years. Are they even still fashionable? If I wear them to campus will the twenty-something yutes of America silently judge me for wearing dated pants? I seriously am at that age now where I can't tell if something that looks fine to me looks dated to the younger generation. Yikes. Help.
- Whatever. I don't care. You don't know me! I'm wearing these pants.
8:00am: Throw my hair into a ponytail and put on minimal makeup. Guys. I totally tried to do the grown up full makeup thing for a couple of weeks. Like, if I had an hour to devote to had the desire to spend an hour making myself look presentable every morning, maybe I would actually get in the habit of doing so on the reg. But, in reality: Uuuugh, it takes so long and I just want to be done alreadyyy. Also, a full face of makeup makes me feel kind of gross after a couple of hours. Probably just because I'm not used to it. And then you can't rub your face one your sleeve or somebody else's clothes or else your entire face will come off on it like the miraculous Shroud of Turin. And then you have to spend like an extra ten minutes at night just scrubbing and jackhammering your pretty face off before bed. Bleargh. Anyway, I do like how it looks if I do it right, but maybe I'll just save it for special occasions. Today: concealer, blush, eyebrows, eyeliner.
8:14am: Out the door, and not too late! Well, too late to go to the Dunkin' Donuts drive through (damnit), but not too late to get to work on time. Hopefully. Oops, also realized that I forgot the eyeliner. Oh well.
8:14am: Out the door, and not too late! Well, too late to go to the Dunkin' Donuts drive through (damnit), but not too late to get to work on time. Hopefully. Oops, also realized that I forgot the eyeliner. Oh well.
8:26am: Get to campus. Look for parking in lot closest to Office Job 2. Nope.
8:28am: Look for parking in lot number 2. Nope.
8:29am: Look for parking in lot number 3. Nope.
8:30am: Look for parking in lot number 4. Success.
8:33am: Get to Office Job 2. Only three minutes late. Bossman is already here. Meh. No big whoop!
8:46am: Time for a coffee break. That's how we roll. Go next door to the student center and find myself awkwardly walking in with and standing in line directly behind two members of the woodwind faculty. Awkward because one of them has had a habit of berating me for replacing my clarinets for musicology books. He once introduced me to somebody this way: "This is Acadaemia Nut. She used to be a musician." UGH. Tool. But at least we managed to engage in polite pleasantries and slight conversation without me having to bust out my evil side-eye. He did grimace a little when I told him what my research subject was, though. Ha ha. Sorry I'm not writing a three hundred page dissertation on CLARINET REEDS.
10:00am: So far I have started this
1:45pm: Whoa. Look how much time has passed. And all that time was spent trying to figure out how to freaking add a stats reader to this freaking blog. It's usually very simple, especially on a platform like Blogger, but apparently this template that I've chosen wants to be a difficult pain in the special snowflake. But anyway, I'm kidding about the wasting all that time doing blog nonsense. I went home during my lunch break to pick up our forever puppy BB and take her to her
1:54pm: Anyway. At least I've got a book for my research cracked open and sitting next to me at my Office Job 2 desk. That counts for something, right? I've also started doing work for Office Job 1 while sitting at my desk for Office Job 2. #multitasklyfe
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...right? |
4:00pm: Thirty minutes of the work day left. I just came back from my late afternoon visit to the Fine Arts building to check our mail there. Normally, I like to drop by the office of Professor Schmoobs to say hello and help break up my afternoon office stretch. But nobody was in there today, so I decided to take a side trip to the library and pick up some books that I had on reserve. The student working behind the counter was somebody I had only met once before like three months ago, and he knew my name without seeing my ID. Is that weird? Am I a movie star? *sassy hair flip emoji*
4:10pm: I just realized that my work desk is starting to resemble a grad student desk. It'll probably be best for me to take these books home. But, honestly, I do more dissertation work in the office than I do at home. Hm.
4:15pm: Welp. I just accidentally erased half of this blog post and spent the last thirty minutes trying to remember what I had done and written. What you just read is the best I could come up with. It's a few minutes early, but Bossman has already left, so I think it is perfectly acceptable for me to ragequit now and head home. Smell ya later.
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