
Merry Blahgmas: Day Eleven!

Woke up at 5am this morning to take Professor Schmooblins to the airport, as he is spending the weekend working with a Nerd Corps. I had these grand delusions of actually coming home after dropping him off, and starting on with my productive work day. But, in actuality, I "accidentally" *cough* missed the turn to our street so I just went ahead and said to myself: "Self. What the hell? Let's have breakfast." so I drove two blocks down to McDonald's for a McGriddle. After I scarfed that down, I guzzled some coffee, watched an episode of something on the DVR that I can't even remember right now because my brain doesn't work at FIVE IN THE FREAKING MORNING, and then went back to sleep.

But the whole purpose of saying all this was to lead into this: After I fell back asleep, I dreamt that BB was licking a spot on her hind quarters so much that she got a raw spot, and, while trying to hold her to put some ointment on it, she ran off, and found a hidden spot (which doesn't exist in real life) in our guest bathroom downstairs that led outside. So I freaked out and ran out the front door to get her, only to see that there was a giant black R.O.U.S. outside with one of BB's squeaky balls in its mouth! Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw BB walking towards it, so I ran to go rescue her and try to get back inside, but the R.O.U.S. was totally hissing and threatening to eat my face. I think I woke up before we got back inside the house. BUT THEN I also dreamt that I then started to tell somebody else this dream that I had, but this version of my re-telling involved me in a princess hat (What the hell is a princess hat?) and thinking, "I'm totally going to write a Facebook post about this."

What the eff. FACEBOOK INCEPTION DREAM! Maybe I should lay off the enchiladas and mole sauce for dinner before bedtime.

Also, I got the prospectus comments back from my New Committee Member. I seriously broke out in a sweat and started getting mild arrhythmia when I got the emails. But the comments were actually great and she gave me some very good advice about other resources I should look into. (None in English. Womp womp. Time to get back on the Duolingo train.) Hooray! Progress! 

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