
Merry Blahgmas: Day Fourteen!

Quick one today. Apologies. We've got a Professor Schmooblebottoms work dinner to go to shortly. I will say this, though, we went to Costco (woot woot!) on our way home today to pick up some coffee, creamer, and paper towels (...and fancy delicious popcorn, phone chargers, tomatoes, cheese, crackers, eggs, and butter...oops) and I made the mistake of trying on some eyeglasses. According to the mirror, my makeup application was such that of a Ringling Brothers circus clown. I think I should just give up trying to adult like a normal thirty-year old woman.


I made a juice of carrots, celery, kale, apple, cilantro, and lemon. I have to balance out all the candy and assorted fried things I like to abuse my body with.

And I started a little Christmas project para mi familia. I'll show the finished product when it is all complete.

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