
Merry Blahrgmas: Day Six!


I do not recommend ordering fifty fried chicken wings for two people. Just don't do it.

And then don't freaking add mac n' cheese, potato wedges, and baked beans on top of it.


On today's agenda: quinoa, kale, and a juice cleanse.  Maybe an exorcism.

I guess curling up on the couch in a fetal position while rubbing your abused belly and making the occasional whimpering noise is as good a time as any to read some research on Early Modern Spanish spirituality and mysticism. Was it the Holy Spirit or Satan that inspired these holy visions? This was at the heart of much of Inquisitorial Spanish investigation. Similarly: Was it the Holy Spirit or Satan that compelled us to order a horrific number of chicken wings yesterday?

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition--in particular not in your bowels.

In any case, the only thing to do now is to drink a mug or two of Holy Coffee and hope that it casts the demons out. Delicious crispy fried demons.

The power of Christ compels you...to leave my colon!


Day Six Update:

I went out to try and heal as much of our rotted insides as much as possible by heading to the grocery store to pick up healthier food items than FIFTY FRIED CHICKEN WINGS.

So then I did this thing where I smothered both sides of a chicken breast in salt, pepper, pesto, and a drizzle of lemon juice. Then I pan seared it in a little bit of olive oil (Okay okay, and a pat of butter. Mainly because I only had one pat left in a little container and I wanted to clean out our fridge. Also, fats are good now, mkay?) over a medium high heat. Here's what it looked like mid-sear.

What is that pink thing in the bottom right corner of the chicken? Do I have to put a NSFW tag on this post?
Then I let it finish in a 400 degree oven for ten minutes. Here's what it looked like when it was done and sliced. Guys. This chicken breast was perfect. And nary a weird chicken ladyflower in sight. Those are sliced sun dried tomatoes in the corner.

Meanwhile, I had sautéd some onions and garlic in some olive oil in a medium sized pan. Then I threw in some shredded carrots. Then I added some quinoa and the appropriate amount of chicken stock. Then I covered it and let it cook on a medium low heat for a while--I don't know, long enough for me to hang up some more Christmas ornaments on our Dogwood tree outside, fill our bird houses with seed, and sweep our living room. When I finished all that, I uncovered the pan and let the quinoa finish cooking out. Then, I added a couple handfuls of kale, and a little bit of toasted sliced almonds, dried cranberries, goat cheese crumbles, sun dried tomatoes, and black pepper.

Ta da. My bowels gurgle with excitement over being treated compassionately again. Or maybe it just gurgled because I fed it too much fried chicken yesterday. Notice the celery, apples, and carrots in the background of this artfully posed Instagram photo. Some fresh juice will complete our exorcism.
Hope everyone had a good weekend. One more week of classes and it's finals week. But what does that matter to me? I'm ABD. Yea boi.

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