
Merry Blahgmas: Day Seven!

Today's post brought to you by my current Facebook status because I just came home from working Office Job One in the morning and then teaching lessons this afternoon and then I grabbed the first two thing I saw in the fridge which were a tupperware of week-old sliced tri tip and a half-eaten four day old tuna sandwich, and now I feel too disgusting to do anything else but lay on the couch and rub my belly while making soft whimpering noises:

"Two years ago, a (non-music) professor was unnecessarily rude to me merely because I was standing where he did not approve of my standing in one of the hallways of the Fine Arts building. I let it go because respect for your elders and professional decorum and blah blah. BUT I NEVER FORGOT. This morning, he and I found ourselves in a two-person parking spot showdown, driving past each other through the streets and assorted parking lot aisles near Fine Arts, hoping to be the first to snag the next available space. Finally, after about twenty minutes of this silent battle, I slid into a newly vacated parking spot, checked my lipstick in the rearview mirror, and stepped out of the car--just in time to see him drive past me with a furrowed brow. Our eyes connected. I wish I knew the word to describe my feeling of petty vindication at that moment. It's probably German."

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