
Merry Blahgmas: Day Twenty-Four and TWENTY-FIVE!

Merry Christmas to everyone who's not reading this blahg because nobody is reading this blahg because nobody knows I'm writing this blahg!

Christmas post coming up. Although we did not fly home to California this year, it has been a wonderful holiday so far. I mean, I haven't even cried once, which I totally though I was going to do today. Well, I almost did when my dear mother called the other day to say she would miss us. But I was at work when she called and I couldn't let anyone at the office think I had feelings. Professional decorum and such. And unreasonable crying is only publicly acceptable during the week before Woman Time and if Sarah MacLachlan is talking to you about orphan puppies.


Merry Christmas!

Look at Pumpkin BB-8's poor misshapen crumbling head. If you could zoom in close enough, you'd see that he is starting to grow mold. Sorry, BB-8, I really needed you to stay with me through the Force Awakens premiere and Christmas because I am psychotic. "Beep boop beep." - BB-8 probably (which means "It's okay.")

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