
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.....

Good news (for me as well as my faithful blog readers)!! My recent foray into the dark abyss of depression spurred on by graduation + unemployment + loneliness + lack of musical/creative/etc. outlet + inability to fuel my Target obsession (caused by said unemployment) is nearing the end of its span. See, here's the thing with me: when I get upset about something, it's best to just let me be upset for a while. Let me pout and sulk and be otherwise completely unpleasant to be around (the majority of my penitence goes to Scott, at whom I am very pleased - and surprised - for not breaking up with me after my umpteenth day of suddenly bursting into tears with no foreseeable warning...), and one day I will wake up and just be done with it. Like right now! Cheers!

I would like to think that I am feeling better now because things are slooowly but surely looking up on the music/job front. Not only do I now have a gig lined up with the Halls Middle School band doing a few sectional rehearsals with their clarinets every week, but one of these students will also be studying privately with me starting next Monday. Huzzah! A trillion thanks to Tiffany for lining me up with this. Did you ever know that you're my heeeroooooo.... Hahaha. And thanks to Scott, I was able to tag along to the local high school marching band exhibition last night where I spoke to a couple of other area band directors who, apparently, are very interested in having me teach their clarinets privately. Huzzah again! The challenge now is to keep these band directors on top of this prospect and - most importantly - convince the parents to fork over the dough for clarinet lessons. Ha. So I have fixed up a handy-dandy (or fancy-schmancy... I couldn't decide which fun rhyming phrase to use) packet to mail out to local band programs to shamelessly promote myself as the World's Best clarinet teacher. It comes complete with my cool little business cards and a fancy-schmancy (ah! there it is!) personal flier boasting my numerous qualifications (basically summing up to: 'Look, I got myself I damned Master's degree in music performance.... now HIRE ME!!'). I am so proud of my Microsoft Paint/Word-enabled creations that - if I knew how to scan things onto this computer - I would scan them and post them on this blog. But I don't. Oh well.

So all that aside, here's the more likely reason why I'm coming out of my funk: Simpsons re-runs now air every midnight here instead of 5pm. This means that every night before I go to bed, I can watch the Simpsons followed right after by Conan O'Brien. Brilliant! Best. hour. and. a. half. of. television. viewing. before. bedtime... EVER!!! Speaking of which, it is now almost time for Simpsons. Gotta go, folks!


  1. Your skills in COMP25 have served you well.

    I wish I could stay up that late... I wake up between 6:45 and 7:25 each morning (depending on whether I'm taking the train or driving to work).

    Congratulations on your budding studio!

  2. Yaaaaaay! Congratulations! :)

  3. best clarinet teacher ever....?

    i think not

    that title goes to a mr gary i-love-my-clarinets-almost-as-much-as-i-love-my-cats

    much love~


  4. HAhahaha. True that.

    Did you have fun camping (wink wink, nudge nudge)?

  5. Yay for a "Hire me, I'm AWESOME" packet! :-) I'm sure it looks very cool. And congrats on the prospects lining up! We still gotta go to 4620 together sometime. But we'll need a DD 'cause I will definitely be having several martinis. I'm officially addicted. *sigh*

  6. Congratulations Ysable!!! I am very glad to see that you are finally getting some job offers with private teaching in Knoxville. Atlanta is nice, just have been busy with teaching orchestra and all of the teacher stuff!! If you are ever in town, let me know!!! My new phone # is 770-529-8876 and my email is susan.goudreau@cobbk12.org!!
