
Do you need another scolding???

Dear faithful readers,

I know that you are out there and that you are reading my blog. I know this because I check my hit counter (found at the bottom right of the page) from time to time and, much to my delight, the number continues to grow on a regular basis. With this being said, WHY AREN'T YOU COMMENTING ON MY POSTS??!!* If I could only explain to you the sheer joy and sense of self-fulfillment I attain upon waking up every morning and finding that somebody has not only read my blog, but took the time to comment on it. This is sad, I know, but I don't care. It makes me so happy! Hahaha. Remember when I reprimended you all about this very same thing before? You don't want me to get all ugly like that again. Bitter Ys is no fun.

Ok, that's all.

Starbucks at the Hilton rocks. It's a fun job...for customer service. I showed up today (3rd day of training) to find my co-worker Neal frantically holding up shop by himself because our now-former manager did not show up for her final shift (today was supposed to be her last day [she's moving back to California, where she is originally from... lucky b****!!]). Needless to say, there were puddles of chai tea latte all over the floor and I had no choice but to jump on the register and do my best to act like I knew what the hell I was doing. Apparently there are 4 different wedding parties staying at the hotel this weekend as well as the skaters from the Disney on Ice tour which is in town for the week, so the morning rush was fairly crazy.

The good thing is, at the end of the day I pretty knew how to do most everything about the job -- without having to spend days training on it. I have the next 2 days off from Starbucks, however, so I'm sure most of today's knowledge will fall out of my brain and I will need to do much reviewing of various drink recipes. Oh, and the other good (i.e. AWESOME!!!) thing: in four hours I had a coffee, a chai tea latte, a passion fruit iced tea and a strawberries and creme frapuccino. And a cream cheese danish. Not to mention the chicken and dumplings with green beans and German chocolate cake I had for lunch from the Hilton kitchen. FOR FREE, PEOPLE!!! Hahaha... some people get off on health benefits and insurance coverage. Me, I focus on the free food.

Oy, I'm getting hungry now. Scott needs to come home so we can go get some gross fast food. Mmmmm....artery-clogging goodness.

Remember to comment on my posts, you anonymous lurkers!!!! As I explained in the first reprimand, you don't have to be registered on blogger to leave a comment. So no excuses! Also, I am putting up a guestbook (thanks for letting me steal the idea, Elizabeth!) so you should all sign that too.

Note to certain friends of mine: Keep in mind that my lovely parents and various assorted relatives read my blog (even though they don't leave comments.....grrrrrr.....hahaha), so please keep things nice and PG-13 if you could. Thanks :) Or not, whatever.

I mean whatevs.

* This does not pertain to both Sarahs, Robyn, Dan, Elizabeth, Ben, and my sister, who all leave comments with a respectable degree of regularity.


  1. "in four hours I had a coffee, a chai tea latte, a passion fruit iced tea and a strawberries and creme frapuccino. And a cream cheese danish. Not to mention the chicken and dumplings with green beans and German chocolate cake I had for lunch from the Hilton kitchen."

    Mmm...that left me a bit peckish. So much yummy, glorious food! ^_^

  2. Oooh, and I noticed it was for free too. That just makes it even more delicious. Everyone loves free stuff!!

  3. Okay yeah I want to work where you work. :-P I had to close the damn place by myself tonight and it was really scary seeing as I've never done that before. Plus I spilled espresso grounds all over myself and I left my Hot Pocket in the freezer so someone will probably throw it away now. *sniff* I really wanted that Hot Pocket...

  4. Yes, there are few things in life I find more delightful than free stuff... especially if I can eat it :)

    Mmm...Hot Pocket.

    With the former manager leaving and one girl recently fired for being a no-show, I'm sure my Starbucks will be looking to hire soon..... Just something for you to think about, Sarah :)

  5. Mmm free coffee- I remember the time in undergrad when lived off of bagels and free coffee junior year when I worked at Bagel Express in Stockton. I did not have the same warm and fuzzy co-workers however, let's just say it's no fun to be yelled at in Hebrew!

    So I played in Sac tonight, and this 23 yr. old violinist from NY rocked the Beethoven concerto...why did we pick the clarinet? The frequency in which one hears about guest clarinet soloists under the age of 30 is oh, slim to none. Not to put a damper on the clarinet, but it's interesting how one's instrument can affect one's career...
    Here's to more free coffee- the heroine of striving young musicians!

  6. Ugh, clarinet. What a damnable instrument!!! And ugh, young and talented musical prodigies. Why didn't I practice more as a young'n??!! Hahaha

  7. I post on your blob every now and then!!....why was I not mentioned? Is it because I do not have a blog myself like all those other people you mentioned? That's discrimination!!!


  8. i meant blog of course

  9. Agh! Sorry dearest! I'll go make the edit right now....

  10. You ROCK my world!

    Daddy 1

  11. That's right. Give me my kuddos. Free coffee and food. Can't beat that when you're a starving artist. Now keep in mind that after your second neice is born, I will be needing all the caffeine fix I can get. So if you're wondering what to bring back to CA for me next time you visit...

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Wow. Even *I* am exempt from getting voted off the island, or whatever it is that Ys was threatening.

    I brought Heather's brother Pat in today to apply at Ysabel's McStarbucks, so all you guys need to find your own coffee shop to work in. This job is taken.

  14. Just remember if you get into an argument with a "paying" customer, the ones who think that because they are paying they can be jerks to you, there is always the dirty thumb or mystery substance to add to add to a drink. Not that I've ever done that... to anyone I know.
