
No lattes, cappuccinos or mochas thank you very much.

Ah, it's good to have a day off from slaving away in front of an espresso machine. Or making an ass of myself in front of a group of clarinet-wielding prepubescents. Sadly enough, however, it took me all of about 30 minutes after waking up (at 8:30am!! 4 1/2 hours past my tragic usual wake-up time!!) to begin feeling pangs of extreme-latte-craving and so -- only because I myself do not own an espresso machine -- I did have to make myself a (gasp!) regular old cup (or 2 or 3...) of coffee. Anyway, the whole point of this story is that the multiple days of 5:30am work days have made my brain completely unwilling to produce enough continuous thought to write very lengthy blog posts. Sorry. So, following, please find a succinct run-down of the events of the past several days... in HAIKU!!!

Starbucks I enjoy
Fuels and feeds my cravings
Free for me not you

Scott and I: one year!
Can't go out Always busy
But if not Ys sad

Got three new students
They are cool Don't smell like poo
Some students do Blech

Car fixed in two days
Yay because fear explosion
Hope not expensive

If you are not them:
Sarah, Greg, R.H., Heather


  1. ys---i tried to sign your guest book but it wouldn't let me type in the fields! grrr...i need to talk gossip when you get a chance!!!

  2. I DID I DID Sign the guest book mistress....I don't know why the deceitful guest book is hiding my identity from you.
    I'll do better next time. Don't hit me again Ysabel.
