My sincere apologies to all my faithful readers who no doubt have been growing increasingly dark and empty inside because I haven't posted in several days. This past week I worked at Starbucks everyday from Tuesday through Sunday. Good news: lots of hours on the clock! Bad news: I have been unable to think about anything but making and drinking coffee all week. I'm not kidding. I literally fall asleep at 10 or 11pm thinking about how many espresso shots go into what latte or mocha, and wake up at 4am doing the same thing.
Anyway, this week should be better since I have managed to get this Wednesday as well as the whole weekend off! Wheeee!!!! I traded shifts with a guy, so I worked for him yesterday morning and he is going to take my shift this Sunday. Which is good because this weekend is not only Halloween weekend (although the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode doesn't air until the following weekend... Damn you, Major League Baseball!!!), but I hope to also find some time to celebrate my one-year anniversary with Scott at some point. I'm hoping he can take just a little bit of time off from all his stresses from school and work so we can have brunch or dinner together or something. And I can think about anything else besides lattes and Americanos and Cafe Mistos and Caramel Macchiatos etc etc etc.*
Anyway, today I have my weekly treacherous foray into the merciless jungle that is teaching middle-school clarinet. As I was telling one of my Starbucks co-workers a few days ago, one 8-hour shift at the coffeehouse is so much less stressful for me than the two clarinet classes I teach at the middle school on Mondays. Seriously. Those kids will be the death of me.
But in the meantime, for lack of anything interesting to write about, I have posted the following quiz results. I am most curious in finding out who exactly my "enemy" is considering he/she/it is supposedly cute, dirty and gross. Hmmm...... Oh, and career and money coming in last place? That explains a lot....
Interpretations below:
Chapter I.
Priorities in your life:
1. love
2. family
3. pride
4. career
5. money
Chapter II.
1. You would describe your own personality as being loyal and carefree.
2. You would describe your partner's personality as being intelligent and independent.
3. You would describe your enemy's personality as being sometimes cute but sometimes dirty and gross.
4. You interpret sex as being warm, comforting and delicious.
5. You would describe your own life as being big, expansive and mysterious, but also relaxing.
Chapter III.
1. Kat will never forget you.
2. You consider Kristina as your real friend.
3. You really love Scott.
4. Your soul-mate is probably Mama.
5. You will always remember Ben for the rest of your life.
*ps. After 2 weeks on the job, I have figured out that my favorite Starbucks products are the Caramel Macchiato (vanilla syrup mixed with steamed milk with a bit of foam, topped with two shots of espresso and then drizzled with caramel sauce.... mmmmmm) and the Iced Lemon Pound Cake (Oh. My. God. Such tasty artery-clogging deliciousness.). If you feel like treating yourself sometime, I highly recommend going this route.
I too think about coffee allllll the time.
OK, so the caramel machiatopotimus was good, but that pound cake wasn't all *that* great. Oh, and the co-worker you were telling about the middle schoolers being the death of you was me, and I don't work there. So get your facts straight, little miss I've-got-a-masters-degree.
ReplyDeleteI might just call UT and tell them to take back your degree. They would too. You just know they have a whole team of people dedicated to screwing over their students.
Aaarrrgghhh. All this talk of lattes, capuccinos, etc is torture! You know I can't have those, but now I crave them. Thanks a lot. BTW, you're niece wrote her whole first name (yep, all of 'KATHERINE') all by herself last night. Aahh, makes all the tortures of mommyhood all worth it.
ReplyDeleteSarah: Good thing to know I'm not alone in my inner torture.
ReplyDeleteps. My store doesn't have coconut syrup! Unacceptable!!
Dan: I stand by my claim that the Iced Lemon Pound Cake is one of the most delicious creations this universe has ever seen. Clearly, your taste buds are defective. You should ask for a refund... Ha HA!
Also, my combined sense of terror and inferiority regarding the teaching of the middle schoolers causes me to complain and rant about it to every human being (and the occasional inanimate object) I come across. So it is very possible that I told the same anecdote to a variety of people. This is not helped by the fact that I now am apparently capable of talking about only two things: coffee and teaching clarinet. Ugh.
Kristina: I'm not sure if you're allowed to have any caffeine at all, but you know we can make any espresso drink in a decaf version, right? So get thee to a Starbucks, right now!
And hurray for Kat! She is brilliant!!! But she is half-Sarte after all, so it was inevitable :)
Lol- I took your little test:
ReplyDeleteThe highlights are
1: I would describe my own personality as smelly but loyal
2: I interpret sex as the life force for active people
3:My soul mate is probably some *unnamed man who lives in a really cold state up in the northern country*...aka Paul...damn your little test!
Be merry...
Ys- I love you!
ReplyDeleteI'll be free until 5pm Pacific time...and tomorrow in the am and pm so we can continue our conversation.