
McDeath to my arteries

Last night the strength of my willpower failed me and I bought McDonald's for dinner for the first time since I watched "Super-size Me" roughly two months ago. I pulled into the drive-thru and immediately regretted my decision as the window opened and the fast-food grease-air blew at me from inside the restaurant. Blech. But I ate it anyway. I've cursed it before and I'll curse it again: Damn you, McDonald's dollar menu and your cheap and affordable artery-clogging convenience!!! I guess I will just have to watch "Super-size Me" again so I can get re-disgusted enough to not want fast food for another couple of months...

Meanwhile, I finally got my digital camera in the mail today! As soon as I get the appropriate USB cable or what-have-you I will post some pictures here. Wheeee!!!

Also, congrats to Sarah P. for becoming a new auntie today!! Babies are fun...especially when they're returnable at the end of the day. Haha.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Ys! I assume aunthood will be awesome- as soon as I get over this cold and can actually visit the kid. (:
