

1. It is cold as ice in the office today. It matches my cold and blackened post-Olympics heart. And my poor toes are uncovered as I had chosen to wear heeled sandals instead of boots. At least they look cute.

2. I lightened my hair slightly a few days ago. Actually, it's more like just some highlights on top. I do this every once in a while when I have been contemplating chopping my hair off to a potentially-cute or potentially-disastrous chin-length bob, but am too scared to actually do it. Hence, I satiate my desire to undergo a hair-change (i.e. boredom) by chopping layers into it myself and altering the color a bit.

3. I bought a digital camera off of Ebay the other day. I'm way excited. I've been having to function with a regular 35mm (shudder...) disposable (DOUBLE shudder...) camera ever since I broke my former digital camera at the Bear Valley Music Festival last summer. Anyway, I can't wait for it to arrive. Down with inferior quality photographs!!

4. I am on such a Dvorak kick lately. If you don't already know and love his Cello Concerto, go remedy that right now. It will make you a better, more attractive human being. Trust me. I've looooved that piece ever since I was lucky enough to perform it a couple of years ago (Not the solo part obviously, but the principal clarinet part. ...Oh God, if me playing the cello part were even possible I would die. Note to self: In your next life, when you are a cellist, play the Dvorak Cello Concerto). But anyway, I have since read a portion of Michael Beckerman's recent research/analysis on the piece. Heartwrenching stuff. Especially his analysis on the coda of the final movement. Ugh, just go listen to it. Live it. Love it. Also: the Dumky Trio. Especially the Andante movement.

5. You know what's really tasty? Pad Thai. I'm eating it right now. Whilst listening to some Dvorak. Don't be jealous.

6. I have an obsessive personality. Case in point: one of the people I work with has been walking around the office today with my precious red Starbucks traveler mug (Which I henceforth shall affectionately name "Ruby"). I love my Ruby. It has brought me great joy. Anyway, it was in one of the kitchen cabinets because I had washed it and left it to dry yesterday and now it's in foreign hands!!!! I didn't want to go up to Coworker X and be like, "Ummm...just to make sure, you do know that that's mine, right?" Because I don't mind her using it occasionally. I just don't want her to think that it's up for grabs for longtime use. Because Ruby is mine. Anyway, I'm trying to keep my mind off of it and see if Coworker X leaves it back in the office kitchen at the end of the day, but I can't think about anything else. If she takes Ruby home with her I will be completely distressed. Is this weird? ...Ugh, it feels good to have that off my chest at least.


  1. In my next life as the reincarnation of Jacqueline DuPre, I am totally going to play the Dvorak. Incessantly.

    *goes to dig out the CD of that concert*

  2. That's just totally wrong of Coworker X. Isn't there some unwritten ettiquet rule that if you didn't bring it in, it's not yours to take? It's like someone taking somebody else's lunch from the fridge.

  3. OK, now I'm enthralled: Will Ys get her mug back? Will Ys be stripped of her true love? Will coworker X appropriate Ruby for her own insidious uses? Or will Ruby make a chance escape and run off with another mug, never to return? They say once you go mug you never go back...

  4. SO glad you liked my stuff about the Dvorak Cello Concerto. I tried really hard to make it clear, and some critics feel it's too literal. But I feel that's what Dvorak was thinking.

    Anyway, thanks!

    Mike Beckerman
