
So much wit, so little time...

Agh. Haven't updated in forever.

Vow to update soon.

Mega-quick rundown of recent events:

1. Week of hell is over. No concerts for 3 weeks and no Board/Executive meeting for 4 weeks. Praise jeebus.

2. Despite earning considerably more money than I was 2 months ago, am still finding myself with shamefully less money than should come payday. Culprit? Eating out. Must put end to this bad habit. If going to blow paychecks irresponsibly, should at least do it on fabulous new clothes.

3. Not only has my younger brother started a blog, now my sister has as well. I believe my older brother has his own website but he is a slacker and has yet to join the blog bandwagon. Chop chop, Carlo!

4. Saw V for Vendetta last night. I enjoyed it. Am surprised, however, that I did not have nightmares about creepy masked man last night. Natalie Portman is an attractive young lady. However, I was still uncomfortable for the entire two hours regarding her fake British accent. Only 1.5 American actresses in recent memory have been able to pull this off without raising my eyebrow: Robin Wright in The Princess Bride and (sort of) Gwyneth Paltrow in Emma/Shakespeare in Love. Gwyneth's accent makes me uncomfortable every once in a while but she gets half a point for multiple efforts.

5. Am moving to Seattle this fall. Westward ho!!!!! Woooooooooo!!!!


  1. Yay! Your next move better be back to NorCal. Hope you enjoy rain. You're gonna get lots and lots and lots of it!

  2. YSS--


  3. Seattle? Well, at least it's closer. (:

  4. You're moving to Seattle? Cool, I will have to visit!

  5. Seattle huh? I believe JetBlue flies there...more points for me! Natlie Portman is beyond attractive. Yes, my love...we will gets her!

  6. Seattle???

  7. What about Renee Zelweger, or however you spell it? I think she did an outstanding job with her accent in Bridget Jones' Diary.

    SEATTLE?!?!?! Why for?

  8. Hmm... I guess I forgot about Renee Z. in Bridget Jones. I still had problems with her accent every now and then, though. I think I'm too judgmental.

    And about Seattle? I will write about that soon! Wheeee!!!
