
Ruby Tuesday!

So Coworker X came up to me to apologize for taking my precious Ruby from the office kitchen cupboard (She was groggy and grabbed it because it was pretty and shiny, she said... Who could blame her, really?). Anyway, she said that Ruby was in her car and that she would return it to me today. However, she has not been into the office all day today so the reunion has not yet taken place. But that's ok. I know of Ruby's whereabouts now. Crisis averted.


Meanwhile, work was CRAZY this morning. I think I experienced my first close-call at suffering a work-related mental breakdown. One of the people I work with is out on vacation all week so I'm having to pull a bit of double-duty for the next few days. Anyway, I just had a bunch of paperwork and other tasks to get through that kept piling up and piiiiiiling up. Then my phone started ringing and wouldn't stop and then everytime I had to talk to somebody on the phone for any longer than a couple of minutes, the work I had been doing before that on the calculator would erase itself and I would have to start all over and AAAAAGGGGHHH!!!

... At least Bossman has been out of the office today and I haven't had to do anything for him specifically. Anyway, I've finally gotten caught up on everything and made an emergency phone call to Ben to meet me for lunch in an hour because I need to get out of this office. Also, I finally finished transcribing those damned minutes from the meeting the other week. I'm on a roll.

In addition, I have been taking to burning random mix CDs lately to play on my computer at work. My latest project from last night contains about 35% old school jazz ballads, 20% opera, 40% Michael Jackson/Jackson 5, and 5% miscellaneous. It's awesome. Except everytime I get a phone call I have to turn the volume down because I don't want some elderly symphony patron to hear "Beat It" in the background. Although I certainly did want them to "beat it" this morning. Ahahaha.

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