1. I just finished eating a beef and potato burrito from Taco Bell for lunch and am currently suffering from The Worst Case of Heartburn from Hell Ever. Seriously. Where's a Rolaid when you really need one?! I'm half-expecting a screeching baby alien to pop out of my chest at any moment now. But that would actually be cool since work has been on-the-whole very irritating today and I want to get out of here, and I think a protruding alien baby from my chest would provide me the perfect excuse to leave early.
2. Speaking of work, I - along with a fellow co-worker - had to scramble to get 1,300 letters ready to go out in the mail today before 2pm. Our supervisor was in a crazed frenzy this morning because of this little project, assuming that we would never get it done in time. Turns out, Fellow Co-Worker and I were so freaking efficient that we were done pretty much an hour early. Pro: Finally getting Frenzied Supervisor off our backs. Con: Oy, the carpal tunnel!
3. The Kings have tied with San Antonio 2-2! I, unfortunately, haven't been following Sac too much lately since, a) they never f*ing show Kings games in Tennessee!! Boooooo., b) I've spent much of the last 7-8 months going to bed at an ungodly reasonable hour, what with my fairly recent foray into the working world. Again: Boooooo., c) since getting rid of C Web, Vlade and Peja (Boooooo times infinity!!), my Dreamy Team is not quite as dreamy as before. At least we've still got Bibby Poo.
4. Today is our Outreach and Education Director's birthday and we are having cake (and perhaps some champagne?) in the conference room in about 3 minutes. Woo! Maybe cake and bubbly is not the best idea to soothe my burning stomach. Do I care? No sir!!
What the hell was I thinking aggravating my angry tummy? Hell hath no fury like my stomach scorned!! Waaaaaaaah!! I am never having a Taco Bell beef and potato burrito ever again!!
Addendum 2:
Oh wait, I just remembered I have my little emergency pack in my purse complete with my mini-jar of emergency pills. And I had the sense of mind to put some Maalox in there! Yay! I love me!
Addendum 3:
And fabulous favorite co-worker just gave me a calcium chew to ease my pain! Wheee!!!
Addendum 4:
ps. At the co-worker birthday "conference" a few minutes ago, I think the office resolved to do some tequila shots this Friday in honor of Cinco de Mayo. Ayayayayaay!!!
I'm sure Tequila is just the remedy for a scorned stomach...good idea y's.
ReplyDelete20 days until NZ. That means only 20 more opportunities to go to starbucks for coffee. Maybe we can up the anty to 2 times a day.
Mmmm...you know I'm always only a phone call away from a Starbucks run!