1. Let's just get this over with:
Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday dear meeeeeee...
Happy Birthday to me!
Now commence rejoicing at the anniversary of my glorious birth. Dinner tonight with a few friends. Maybe something fun afterwards. Perhaps a midnight showing of X-Men 3? Even though it's getting crappy reviews. Whatevs.
2. Scott and I just got back from Seattle yesterday morning. My body is still exhausted from all the travelling and general hectic-ness of the past several weeks, but I do have to summon up some energy to say this: Seattle is AWESOME and I cannot wait to live there!!! Some highlights of the trip:
- Spending about $80 between the two of us on one dozen oysters and a couple of cocktails. I actually haven't determined whether this was a highlight or a lowlight. Oh hell, it was way expensive, but a great time, so I'll say it was a highlight.
- Coming across a showing of "The Da Kinki Code" at the esteemed theater The Lusty Lady. 'Nuf said.
- Inadvertently walking into the office of some brand new luxury condominiums being built, thinking it was a new apartment complex. Scott and I had to go through an entire charade with the real estate agent pretending we were some rich California yuppie couple interested in buying a $900,000 condo with Daddy's money. Ha! As if. If we had known what were walking into, we totally could have played it up. Oh well.
3. We went and saw "The Da Vinci Code" late last night. I thought it was alright. Obviously any movie version would be hard-pressed to live up to the popularity of the book. But it was enjoyable all the same. Didn't hold a candle to "The Da Kinki Code," though. Haha. Just kidding, Mom and Dad.
4. Have I updated this blog since we went to Virginia Beach a couple of weeks ago? Doubtful. It was Sarah H.'s wedding. Had a great time.
I'm tired of writing now. Here are some pictures from the last several months on that I have been meaning to post but have been too lazy:
Damnit! Why won't the pictures show up??!! ...I'll deal with this later.
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