
In which the sh*t hits the fan: Part I

Bossman informed the staff and orchestra of his resignation (effective in 6 weeks) yesterday.

I intend to inform Bossman of my resignation (effective in 7 weeks) tomorrow.

Cool co-worker will also inform Bossman of her resignation (effective in 8 weeks) tomorrow.

In related news: I have also informed crazed lunatic supervisor that I will be leaving early this Friday to catch my flight out of Knoxville. Subsequently, she has been busy this entire morning making sure that everybody in the whole goddamned office knows that she now has to work the concert on Friday because I won't be able to. To you, crazed lunatic supervisor, I have three words: Suck it up!!! Anyway, luckily I will be in the Golden Land of the Pacific Northwest when the aftermath of this ever-compounding drama unfolds next week. Well, I'll be back in Knoxville halfway thru the week, but I will be busy hiding from the office and getting my birthday celebratin' on.

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