Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Borrrrrred.
I keep drifting off into Daydream Fantasy Land and re-living the gloriousness of the Salty's brunch buffet meal we had yesterday. Goddamn, that was good! Oh my God, I can't even write about without feeling a slight pain in my heart that it's over. I knew I was in trouble when I was nearing the end of my second plate and I started getting that two-more-bites-and-your-head-will-be-inside-a-white-porcelain-bowl feeling and I hadn't even hit the eggs or dessert station yet. Sadness. I think I managed to squeeze in a couple more strips of bacon and a few pieces of fruit dipped in the chocolate fountain as one final hurrah before I finally admitted defeat. You know what would be the greatest thing ever? Going to that brunch buffet with Kobayashi, that's what. Oh wow, that needs to be a Food Network special...
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