
Things that suck.

1. Going back to work after a fun (albeit, shower-deficient) vacation and facing a giant mound of roughly thirty boxes of music books and sheet music to un-pack and warehouse, and walking away after the second day with both your hands completely sliced up with paper cuts. Seriously, I started counting them earlier today, but lost interest at 25.

2. Going back to work after a fun (albeit, bed-deficient) vacation and coming to terms with the fact that your upcoming (vacation pay-less) paycheck is going to be really depressing. Rent is due when again?!

3. Excitedly driving home from work today because you hadn't taken a lunch break and had decided to get some Chinese take-out for dinner, when some jackhole decides to cut you off in the parking lot, thereby causing you to slam on your brakes, which results in the delicious asian delicacies to fly swiftly from the passenger seat, onto the floor and out of their take-out containers. Damnit.

4. Going back to blogging after a fun (albeit, latte-deficient) vacation and realizing that YOUR UNGRATEFUL READERS HAVE ABANDONED YOU, RESULTING IN ZERO COMMENTS IN THE LAST THREE POSTS!!! Comment, you! Or else I will put on my funktified red sweater, of Houston airport fame, and find where you live. Trust me, you don't want that. It smells like ass.

...Okay, that's it, I guess. I'm going to have some cool visitors coming into town in the next week or so! I'm excited. I'll tell you more later. Oh! And in a related matter, I'm going to the Salty's brunch buffet again this weekend. Words simply cannot describe the utter rapture I feel over this. Oh my god, you'll have to excuse me now so I can go soil myself at the thought of reliving the Greatest Buffet In The History Of The Universe...


  1. Oh yeah? What about my blog, eh? It's frightfully empty of comments from a certain so called favorite aunt.

  2. Weeeell, maybe you should write more posts yelling at your readers for not commenting enough! Hahaha. Ok ok ok, off I go...

  3. You have to take me to Salty's when I come back from 'pinas. This whole country is one big buffet. I will surely have food withdrawal symptom when I get back there.
