...because I flipped the television on and the new episode of Top Chef was on, that's why.
So I was all ready to write this post yesterday that went along the lines of "All these people in Seattle are complaining about how hot it is because it actually went above the mid-80s mark -- they don't know the meaning of hot! Try living in the South in the middle of July, fer Chrissake! Weaklings!" ...and then it reached 97 degrees today, and I totally became one of those people who freaked out and couldn't shut up about how unbearably hot it was. I guess today was not the wisest day to choose to skip out of work early (everyday) seeing as how, at this point:
work = free air-conditioning
car = expensive air-conditioning (gas)
home = no air-conditioning
Ah well. The temperature is supposed to go back down again tomorrow ... just in time for me to up and leave to go visit the boyfriend and the Troopers on Friday. In Atlanta. And then Alabama. Oh, and Louisiana. Good lord, and then Texas. And did I mention that we are travelling by bus? And that we will be sleeping on high school gym floors? And that the regularity of my beloved twice-if-not-thrice daily shower schedule will be seriously compromised for an entire week?! Ugh. If the heat doesn't do me in, the overall feeling of disgusting-ness surely will. Oy, the things you do for love, I guess. Or something like that. So if I have too much to do tomorrow that I can't write a travelling-day-eve post (what I really mean is "too lazy," yes?), wish me luck. And pray that I make it home safe and sound instead of on my way to an insane asylum because I felt too unclean. ...Uncleeeeeean!!!
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