Also, this is the sight that greeted me in the living room when I woke up this morning:
Oh, you don't notice anything out of the ordinary? Why don't you take a closer look:

That's right, that's Bela behind the blinds. But look closer:
For like 3 minutes, he gave me this look without even a flinch. This, my friends, is what we call The Evil Eye:
In other news: Scott and I went to Sunday brunch today at Salty's on Alki Beach. Oh, sweet Lord in heaven, it was The Greatest Brunch Buffet We Had Ever Had. Hands down. Period. No contest. We are on our way out the door right now to go see "Ratatouille," but rest assured that I will be back to expound in greater detail about the gloriousness of this brunch. It will be something I tell my grandchildren about, it was that fantastic. Let me just say: fresh steamed crab, raw oysters, a giant mound of shrimp cocktail, a chocolate fountain, the greatest view of downtown Seattle across the Sound, eggs benedict, like five different kinds of salmon, ribeye steak, caramel flan, an omelette station, crepe station, waffle station, an excellent waitress who looked just like Roxette with the peroxide bleached hair and Barbie pink 80's lipstick, piles of bacon and sausage, fresh fruit, a billion different pastries, and oh my god that list is probably only like 1/10th of what they had to offer there. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. You all need to hurry up and come visit Seattle so I can take you there for brunch!
Wow, you're making me hungry. That place also sounds expensive. When I visit Seattle, you're going to pay for brunch, right? Then again, you might have to pay for me to visit Seattle too. ;)