So, in order to fill the void in my heart that has been left empty from the sudden disappearance of the beautiful gently falling snow.....ANIMAL PICTURES!
1. Let us all behold The President of the Finer Things Club in all his sunpatch-worshipping glory.

2. Uh oh. Something is afoot.
2. What's with the stinkeye? (Click on picture and zoom in for maximum effect.)

3. Oh. That's why.
4. Way to crash Bela's bliss party, BB.

5. BB: "Hey guys, how's it going?" Bela: "Ugh."
6. Bela banishes BB to the couch.

7. Don't worry, Beebs, you'll get some time in the sunpatch too. Maybe. Bela: "Or not."

8. And later on that evening .......... RAAAAAGE!
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