Hello. It is Thursdy eevening and I am ...not sober. Because I don't have to teach a class ealry tomorrow morning. Because It old them that I owould send them an online reading/lecture intsetad. Note to self: You better be nice and un-buzzed in the mornign because you have to type up a lecture on the Protestant Reformatino and Counter-Reformation of the sixteenth century and its effects on Renaissance Music. Eh, piece of cake. Soooo in a nutshell, Reformation = Josquin = music over text = flowery polyphony even in sacred works, right? Ergo: Counter-Reformation = Council of Trent = text over music = Palestrina = movement back towards simplicity in polyphonic vocal music, right? I am smart. Therefore, Schmoobs and I spent this night at a nearby drinkery drikging adult beverages and eating chicken wings. Because the bartender/owner here is really cool and nice and chill AND FROM NEW YORK i.e. NOT TEXAS. Anyway. He gave us a couple of free dirnks at teh end of the night which tasted like a Coke float yum. But clearly they messed me up. Normally I would never allow this many typos to bepsoted. But wheatever.
anway. I TOTALLY have so many idiotic little bullet points to wirte about. They are all saved in my "to be published" file, I promise! But I'll wait until some of this alcohol has worn off befoe I do that. Topics include 1) my hellish toilet nightmare from last week (it involves me plunging NOT my own sh*t -filled toilet for OVER AN HOUR i.e. an eternity), 2) the fact that I am good at teaching, 3) I am getting old and fat, 4) THE OLYMPICS NEXT WEEK and last but not least 5) HOLY SH*******T LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST!!!
OMG LOST. So is Jacob ogoing to inhavit Sayid's body now or what?! And Juliet was pulling a Desmond/Charlotte and totally time travelling when she was talking about having coffee with Sawyer and going Dutch right before she died (again), right? *siiiiiigh* Poor Juliet. Why did you have to defect to an inferior brand show?!?! Didn't you know that Sawyer deserves eternal happiness with you and NOT KATE and so you should have stayed with LOST?!?! Bleargh. And when Ilana and Bram talked last season about Lapidus being "a candidate," were they talking about Jacob knowing that he was going to be killed and needing a body to inhabit?!?! And can Terry O'Quinn BEEEE any more effing awesome no matter how evil he may potentailly be?!!?!!? And the fact that Hurley is wearing a red shirt in the second episode LA X Part II means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, right?!?! RIGHT!??!?!?!! And OMG I think my head is going to slef destruct.
AGH. I need ot go to bed. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz
ps. Hey, did you know that all of my studnents that have completed the solo and ensemble contest so far have ALL received 1s?! That's right. I am a motherf***ing bad*** clarinet teaher goddamnit. TOO BAD I DON'T GET PAID ENOUGH FOR ALL THE BADASS WORK THAT I DO. Harumph. And two of those aorementioned students received an "Exemplary" award (not just given out to anybody goddamnit). I am awesome. Now my paychecks need to be awesoom, too. So I can trade KAblooie for a better mileage car. Like a 2003 Civic Hybrid. Which I can get for the value of Kablooie plus $3000. Ay carumba! 40 mpg?!?! I'd give my left nut for that kind of mileage!! Hell, I'd give both my nuts for that!! Especially because they don't actually exist except for in my imagination.
You knwo what I wonder? I wonder why, when you are lsightly less than sober and trying to post a blog entry, it' s not so much that you misspell words outriht, it's that some of your fingers work faster than others. Like, I've noticed a lost of these words aren't misspelled ooutright. It's that some of the ltetters are out of order. Like certain fingers move faster than otehrs in normal life. Hm. That was signifact two mminutes ago, but now I don't know where I was goign with that. Damn you, Jose Cuervo!!
pps. In my estimation, Taling about Renaissance Music in your Intro to Music lit class < Talking about the Romantic Period and how Beethoven and Dvorak are effing BAD*SSES in your Intor to Music lit class. Is it April or May yet? I'm sick of organuma nd madrigals already. Bleargh.
*guzzles two glasses of water then passes out in bed*
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