
Good Saturday morn' everyone!orThis isn't the real update yet, but I thought I'd make a cameo appearance.

Things on the agenda today:

1. Coffee

2. Errands (Target, anyone? Hmmm? ...and Kinkos. *snore*)

3. A little practicin'

4. A little workin' *yawn*

5. Watching LOST Season 6 premiere AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. Because, clearly, the more I watch the episodes, the more it will all make sense and the answers will become clear to me. NOT.

6. NOT clean the apartment like a madwoman in a fit of OCD rage, which includes finally organizing all of our random giant piles of papers and notebooks and textbooks and music off of the living room floor and into our pantry shelves. Because I did this all last night at 2am already. Huzzah!

ps. BOO! Smokie's gonna getchu!

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