
Beauty day at the salon! (And by "salon" I mean "PETCO.")

Feast your eyes, if you will, on this wonderous beast. She whose eyeballs you cannot even see because they are obstructed by the unruly growth of hair sprouting upwards from her snout. Though she stinks to high heaven, she remains cute and lovable.

Notice, too, the charming fur pads resulting from the mess of hair roughly one inch overgrown betwixt her toes. They hide the shameful secret of claws that have not seen neither mani- nor pedi- in much too long a time:

Cannot you smell the odor emanating from her matted fur and dried dingleberries? In person, its power singes the eyebrows and summons tears to your eyes.

(And speaking of berries, doesn't her hairstyle remind you of this guy?)

But BEHOLD! See her now after her day at the evil groomers, upon whom she showed her disdain by vomiting all over the place, apparently. It was all worth it, though, because now she is so fresh and so clean clean. But seriously, I think she lost three pounds just in fur (and dingles).

"Look at how cute I am again! Bacon please!"

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