
A wee bit of dysfunction.

I got out of bed around 9:00 this morning (after not dreaming about working, Praise Jeebus). Instead of jumping in the shower and getting coffee, I plunked myself down on the couch with a big mug of English Breakfast tea (a suitable alternative), turned the television on to some Olympics coverage (interspersed with some "Sandra's Money Saving Meals" during commercial breaks just for a bit of comic relief) and started grading some tests. Before you know it, it's noon and I have not taken a shower yet.

Here is the dilemma: I have company coming over in five hours to do some clarinerdy trio rehearsing and, as per the rules and regulations of my OCD tendencies, I must be at least relatively freshly showered when they come over. I have unfortunately missed the threshold of time deemed reasonable between Shower #1 and Shower #2 of the day as, in my head, 6 - 8 hours between showers is perfectly reasonable - nay, ideal. Do I take a shower now and be forced to take another rinse in just over four hours? Or do I force myself to wallow in my own filth for a couple more hours - thereby negating the likely chance that I will step outside into the real world and run some errands i.e. Target! - and then just take Shower #1 closer to 5pm? Or do I find a psychotherapist and deal with the mental dysfunction that occurs in my head on a daily basis as evidenced by this particular internal monologue? (Don't answer that question)

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