
R.I.P. My Laptop has been re-born!

Have been trying to resurrect my precious laptop for the last 36 hours. Things look bleak. I am distraught. It is not helping that Scott keeps trying to convince me that I'm better off buying a Mac (ptooey) anyway. PC LOVERS UNITE!!!

Off to have a morning Star*ucks latte (vaj be damned...it's better now anyway) to drown my dead-laptop-sorrows in... *sob* ...and will continue to attempt a resurrection of my computer upon my return. Perhaps I can offer Scott's Macbook (ptoo ptoo) as a ritual sacrifice to Bill Gates? He doesn't live far from here you know. Hmm...


UPDATE: I did iiiiiit!!! After several hours spent digging up old re-installation CD-ROMs from the deepest darkest corners of my closet and even more countless phone calls to my older brother Mr. Computer Science Genius (who, I can surmise from the tone and increased terseness in his voice, was getting ready to strangle me by the last phone call), my precious laptop has been resurrected! Huzzah!

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen Carlo's tshirt "Don't ask me to fix your computer!" HAHAHA

    I told him if my laptop craps out in France, I'm gonna call the 24/7 Helpdesk Hotline at 408.49-.----

    Macs suck! I need two mouse buttons.
