
Uterus Schmuterus.orHey, at least I'm not talking about the smell of my pee.

I seem to be feeling the effects of overwhelming stress lately. I'm going to assume it's all work-related. I'm not really sure since I've never been one to actually recognize when I'm stressed out. Especially when it is in an academic or professional setting. I mean, I'll definitely feel pressure as much as the next guy, but when the time comes to perform you just, you know, do it, whether it's write a 20 page paper in one night, or manage 80x your body weight in band method books. (My personal life, however, is a whole different story. What do you mean you're going out for drinks with your buddies tonight when, instead, you should instincually know that it is my time of the month and what I really expect you to be doing is greeting me at the front door with a bouquet of fresh-picked wildflowers and Season 4 of Felicity on DVD which I will watch in its entirety as you rub my feet and repeatedly tell me that, no, I am not bloated but, rather, indescribably goddess-like and perfect? Pardon me as I spontaneously combust in an explosion of hormone-filled tears and proceed to not speak to you for the next two days... Hi Schmoobles!) Anyway, the whole point of this is that due to the over-surge of stress I have been feeling the last couple of weeks, I think my hormones have been raging out of control. And since I already went through the process of eating an unnecessarily large disgusting dinner from Jack in the Crack (They gave me lame normal fries instead of the glorious curly fries I requested. Hmph.) and then spontaneously chopping roughly half of my hair off in random chunky layers...By myself. In the bathroom. At one in the morning. In a fit of hormone-induced jealousy brought on by Keri Russell in all her button-nosed perfection in a guest appearance on a rerun of Scrubs...the next logical step would be to randomly change the color scheme of my blog at 2am.


*shakes fist defiantly in the air.....then scampers off to rummage the kitchen cupboards for anything chocolate-related*

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