
T.G.I.F. ...Jeopardy Style

Answer: Ysabel upstairs in the accounting office standing in the corner by herself eating chocolate chip cookies and downing shots of straight black coffee (no time for cream and sugar goddamnit!!!) while staring blankly into space.

Question: What do you find on the third straight day of unpacking and sorting through nearly $50,000 worth of band and orchestra method books?


But it's done. And tomorrow morning, I will go to my beloved Salty's brunch buffet for the third time this summer with absolutely no feelings of guilt or over-indulgence because

1. My schmoobles is back! I made it through my first Drum Corps Summer. Hooray hooray hooray!!


2. Um, hello? See above.

Knowing ahead of time that this shipment was in all likelihood going to come crashing down on us on Wednesday, Greatest Print Assistant Ever and I went to dinner (and some refreshing adult beverages) after work on Tuesday in what we determined was a pre-emptive strike on the suckiness that the remainder of the week was inevitably going to bestow. We had Thai food (of course). And about that: Greatest Print Assistant Ever recommended we order this vegetarian appetizer, which, though it is commonly known as Miang Kum, shall henceforth be known to me only as The Most Amazingly Delicious Vegetarian Appetizer This Universe Has Ever Seen.* Get it sometime. Also, one of the beers listed on the menu was this one, which I found to be pretty darn cool. So I ordered it. And it was gooood.**


On a closing note, let me just say that some 15 year old kid has been sitting at a piano here, playing the opening two bars of John Lennon's "Imagine" on one of our pianos repeatedly for the last 20 minutes. If that isn't a sign for me to call it a week, I don't know what is...

* Apparently, a physically and mentally beaten down Ysabel = repeated overuse of superlatives and/or hyperbole. Hm.

** How could it not be? Made in the Philippines! Just like me!

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