
October Paycheck, I hardly knew ye.

Last night when I went to sleep, my bank account was in the single digits (I'm not kidding).

When I woke up this morning, my bank account was in the four digits (Ooh la laaa! ...But don't get so excited. The first digit was a "1").

Two hours later, after giving my rent monies to Schmoobs and paying a smelly buttload of bills online (While my Theory class takes a quiz on triads, seventh chords, inversions and figured bass... Hey, if I have to suffer, they do too) I have already said goodbye to 75% (oops, I forgot about the cable bill) 80% (oops, I forgot about my car insurance payment) 85% of my paycheck. But that's okay since I have enough left over to buy myself a celebratory Grande Soy Pumpkin Spice Latte later today guilt-free.

It's the little things in life, you know? (Like the size of my adjunct salary. Bleh.)

Also, being broke but being current on all your bills is slightly more pleasant than being broke and being a month behind on all your bills.


Question: How much do I want to comment on my student's Facebook status that he just posted?

"Caleb, instead of updating your Facebook status, perhaps you should put your phone down and get to the music building so you can spend the remaining seven minutes of class time taking the Theory test you just slept through."

Answer: VERY much.

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