A couple of days ago it was really stifling inside our apartment, both Schmoobs and I were stressed/overworked/crabby/etc. so he dashed out for a few minutes to grab some beer. He asked me if I wanted anything and I said, "Can you get me a candy bar?" And so he brought home two Snickers Almond chocolate bars which I popped into the freezer before eating. And ever since then I've been wanting MORE. I have also been really into Sweet Tea lately, which is really strange because I've never really liked Sweet Tea much. Okay, there was a very brief period that I voluntarily drank it when I first moved to Knoxville, mainly because it was such a novelty more than anything. Seriously, it's not "tea." It's more like "melted sugar with a side of water." But I've been really craving it. Usually when it's Pre-Monthly Confirmation Time I crave every and all things salty and/or cheesy and/or fried, but it seems like this go around it's all about the sugar. Estrogen is weird.
So this afternoon I went to Target and spent $15 of the last remaining $50 left to my name (until the next time my schools and students decide to effing pay me again goddamnit. When would that be? I don't effing know anymore. Feh.) on 2 packs of (fun size!) Snickerses, 1 pack of (fun size!) Twix, a giant jug of Sweet Tea (that's "swayt tay"), a pack of turkey bacon (healthy!) for breakfast tomorrow, a dozen (organic! and cage free!*) brown eggs, dried cranberries (healthy! ...not really!) and (holy crap these things exist?!) cornbread crackers.
Anyway, leave me alone now so I can commence making myself sick with a late lunch of sugar water and frozen Snickers bars.
* The drive between Rockwall and Commerce is a 45 mile stretch of highway which, I have learned, is frequently driven by chicken truck drivers. As in, drivers who drive trucks filled with cages filled past capacity with poor, cute, fluffy, innocent chickens on their way to a miserable death. I have, on countless occasion, had the unfortunate experience of having to drive directly behind one of these trucks and having to stare at these sad fluffy chickens with their sad little beady chicken eyes that look into mine as if they are saying, "Ysabel, why am I here in this clucking miserable cage-truck where I can't even move my poor little chicken head a clucking inch because they've packed us so tight in here? Cluck me! Save me, Ysabel! Save me, for cluck's sake!" OMG, you guys, and the worst part is when one of these wee creatures falls out of their effing cage and you see a white fluffy dead chicken on the shoulder of the highway. Poor chickens. Anyway. I love chicken nuggets too much (I'm such a selfish, heartless betch!) to stop eating meat. But someday I will earn enough money that I can afford to be super-discerning about what meat I purchase and - specifically - only buy meat from animals that have been raised humanely on local free-roaming farms. In the meantime, I am trying to do better by those poor white fluffy highway chicken friends by only buying the organic eggs that come from cage-free chickens. It may cost twice as much for those, but I figure I can spend an extra $2 to know that I'm not supporting the stupid cruel chicken factories.
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