
Damn you, Blogger!!! *shakes fist angrily in air*

1. It's been a while since I've tried to save a post on here only to find out a couple of hours later that Blogger apparently didn't keep a copy of it. High holy hell. It would have been a good post, too...maybe (probably not). Anyhoo, on with today's post...

2. Good: Using company time to download a woodwind quintet on iTunes.

3. Bad: When your work computer is so pathetic that it takes over an hour to download a woodwind quintet on iTunes. Sheesh.

4. Today has got to be the gloomiest day Seattle has seen since the cold season began. Dark skies and torrential downpours. I love it. As I was driving to work today, it was so dark out that it looked like it was already the end of the day. Like, 6 pm. Like, time to turn around and go home. ...No? Won't work? *sigh* It was worth a shot.

5. Oh, hell's bells. I'm trying to buy a plane ticket home for Christmas, and the f*ing Orbitz page has been trying to load for 2 minutes!!! I'm resisisting the urge to spew out a massively long string of curse words whilst grabbing this useless hunk of metal, tearing the sockets out of the walls, and heaving it out the window. Somebody just try and stop me. This is the third piece of crap this company his dug up from the depths of the dungeon to replace all my previous pieces of crap and I am gradually building a graveyard of computers behind my deskchair. I think it's time for another...

6. Hmmm...coldy rainy day means soup for lunch, right? I'm thinking about swimming across the street to get some Tom Kha Gai. Oh, sweet Moses, that sounds good.

7. So with Scott gone this past weekend and me being too scared to drive anywhere during the Great Snowstorm of December the First 2007, I think I literally sat on my couch and stared alternately at my computer and television screens for roughly 14 straight hours on Saturday. As a result, my eyes are inredibly fatigued and can't look at bright lights (like, say, a computer monitor or television...oh, the sweet irony!) without being accompanied by a throbbing headache. Also, I've had a muscle spasm underneath my right eye since yesterday. It is maddening. So maddening, in fact, that I think I need to go home for the rest of the day and rest my weary eyeballs. ...Still no? Damn.

8. FLOOD WARNING!! WE HAVE TO EVACUATE!! Wow, dreams really do come true! Hurray!!!


9. Okay, continuing this list from home. It seems this winter storm is not one to make light of. Crazy floods are happening all over! A little too close for comfort, actually. Good thing we live on the second story! If not, I might have had to go get a pair of water wings for Bela :)

10. Good: Getting a phone call from a mother wanting clarinet lessons for her child.

11. Bad: Five minutes into the phone conversation, realizing that she was calling from Knoxville. Le sigh.

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