
Merry Christmas to all!! (except for Sandra Lee...see previous post)

Just came back from Midnight Mass with my little bro and mom. Dad stayed home and, apparently, baked some banana nut bread. Mmm...I'm not complaining! Nothing like the scent of fresh baked banana bread at 2 in the morning to give one the energy to OPEN UP YOUR CHRISTMAS LOOT!!!

Yeah yeah yeah, presents are not the true spirit of the holidays, yada yada. But I already went to church...so I'm entitled. So there.

The Loot List so far:

This fabulous purse, except in a lovely lavender color that goes magically well with my new dark teal blouse:

A gift card from this beloved place:

And this!

Spider pig, spider pig. Does whatever a Spider Pig does. Can he swing from a web? No, he can't. He's a pig. Look out!

Hehehe. Anyway, off to continue watching the DVD and look forward to seeing more siblings, extraneous family and old friends and eating gluttonous amounts of delicious food in the next couple of days...

Merry Christmas!

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