

I think I put some bad milk in my coffee this morning. It was actually heavy cream (that's right baby). When I opened up the spout I noticed some thickness forming around the opening and just figured some of the cream had whipped itself somehow into actual whipped cream (what?). And then when I mixed it into my coffee I noticed that some of it wasn't mixing completely and was just floating to the top. And then I proceeded to drink my coffee. While eating some nachos. I'm not really sure which of those two were the poorer choices. Actually, I think the two together formed a Super Stupid Combo. Because now my stomach is feeling in a way it has not felt in a while. Stupid spoiled milk ruining my coffee...oh, to be punished by the one you love most!

In other news: Scott and I are going to the Salty's brunch buffet tomorrow with a couple of friends. Hurray! When my stomach is in a state where I even think about food without wanting to run to the bathroom I'll rejoice for real. Bah.

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