
My nuts are burning!

My statement to Scott a few minutes ago in the midst of a day filled with some successful (breakfast omelet, Orange Nut Cookies), some not-so-successful (burned Spiced Nuts) adventures in the kitchen. To be sure, Scott had a clever response to this statement which I will not post here for the sake of my poor parents, but rest assured that it did involve the word "nuts" and "burning" in a different context. *sigh* Anyway, I spent nearly $90 on ingredients (!!! I know, right? How the hell did that happen??) at the grocery store last night, I'm about six hours in, and all I have to show for it is one batch of cookies and one not-burned batch of spiced nuts. Harumph. Baking is hard.

Also: we saw "I Am Legend" last night. Zombies are f*ing scary. The movie was waaay better than "The Golden Compass" (yes, we are still bitter about that one).

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